Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Research: Editing - Mrs Begum

Research: Editing-Mrs Begum

Intro: What is editing and why is it an important micro-element?
editing is one of the most important micro-elements in a film because it dominates a whole film a regular film can have hundreds of hours worth of footage but editing can take it down to 2 or even less than that. Not only is it useful in the movies themselves, but it is crucial in trailers because  they have to be even more affective because your trying to sell a film to views in the space of 2 minutes on a regular trailer (non extended).

Editing definitions with thriller examples

180° Rule  - Before going into the various list of edits and techniques used in film, the 180° rule must be explained. It means anyone recording a film with a camera must imagine a hypothetical line drawn between two or more actors. The camera mustn't shoot on the other side of the line because it would make visual sense to the viewers because to the it could look like two people facing each other talking are facing the same way, this is a basic but crucial rule because you film can have a good narrative but if the filming is poor you could lose the viewers interest very quickly.

Straight Cut - Is a direct edit (cut) from one scene to another with out any transfer effect you may see this in a film when an establishing shot is being shown and then it begins filming a characters face close up. It is the most used edit in film and always will be especially in thrillers because it gets straight to what the viewers want to see  and it creates an affect off panic and adrenaline because there is a lot going on in the scene a great example of this is the classic American thriller 'psycho' during the famous bath scene attack.

Shot Reverse shot - happens during a casual conversation and is the most used when people are engaging in a convocation during a calm scene.

Fade to black - The fade to black edit is when the shot is transferred to another shot but the transition between is black, This gives an affect that the next scene is going to reveal something dark which can make viewers feel uneasy, on edge and expecting something to happen which is a good build up. Not a lot of films actually use this but you tend to see it in George Lucas' greatest movie's 'Star Wars'

Dissolve -When one shot disintegrates into another shot this is another edit that isn't used often but it would be a good way to switch shots if the previous shot was extremely bloody to create affect.

Reaction Shot-

Wipe Cut - When a shot slides into another slide this often happens in Comic book themed movies the most recent thriller to make example of this would be  'Kick-Ass' & 'Kick-Ass 2'

Jump Cut - A drastic movement that is noticeable to the eye in the shot / the edit almost jumps along with the movement. This creates an affect of adrenaline and racing pulses because it can feel like the viewer is in the film  world because it plays a visual affect of the eyes making it look like you jumped also depending how much the viewer is into the film. This would be a perfect edit in something such as a car chase because it is best tailored to the speed of the edit.     

Montage Scene - Was a popular edit used in 1980's action thrillers such as 'MacGyver' Whenever he was making an invention quickly under pressure which kind of gives you an example of just what a montage is. Its a time skip/ fast edit or a scene that has a high concentration of straight cuts and is usually covered with some theme music but a more recent horror film the was used in was 'The Grudge'

Trailers and use of editing
In order to promote a movie a trailer needs to sell the film within a 2-5 minute trailer in order to do this they need to show the best parts

Thriller scene analysis. Analyse a scene identifying three effective uses of editing - use PEER

Conclusion: What types of editing are you planning to use and why?

Research: Sound In Thriller - Mr. Smith

Sound In Thriller 

What is sound and why is it an important micro-element?

Sound, one the most crucial aspects in a movie but the most important to a thriller. It's sound that can make or break a scene and turn normal everyday things into something cringe, gripping and intese one example that shows this is scenes from insidious. The film isnt best known for its narrative or it's execution but the gripping ear covering music that make its horror scene twice as scary.


Sound definition with thriller examples.
Diegetic Sound: Sound, which is not part of the film world (things that the charcters can hear) for example music from the radio, juke box ect. In esscence is sound that can be on or off screen. 

Non-Diegetic: Sound, which is not part of the film world so the characters can hear it this goes usually for film narration, the soundtrack, the voice overs and the special effects a clear example of this is the big daddy scene in the film 'kick-ass' (video provided below).

On screen sound: The meaning to on screen is is pretty straight foward considering its in the name for it, it's sound that you can see where its coming from within the film, at the beginning of the second film clip 'Scream 2' the most obvious on screen sound we see is the phone call the voice isn't coming from on scene but we can see it's coming from the phone on the victim's ear, this is On screen sound. 

Off screen sound: Off screen sound is the opposite to on screen sound, however the only thing they have in common is that they both make sense to the the flim world so the characters can also hear it but its not present on the scene it has to make sense to the settings and environment. (for example traffic sounds and beeping on the street and coughing in a hospital, drilling at a construction sight. There must be a link with the sound and setting).

Parallel Sound: Is when the sound you hear in a film is what is expected in the scenary so a given example of this is kids playing in a playground so you would expect to hear kids laughing and maybe the sound of swings. or if the scene is a basketall game you would hear screeching sneakers, the ball bouncing and the horn when people score baskets and also people in the stands talking.

Contrapuntal Sound: A contrapuntal sound is the exact opposite to this it is when a scene and the sound do not make sense because it doesn't suit/ matchup to the environment. The best given example in thriller for this is the classic 'JAWS'. I choose this over the 'SE7EN' opening because this set the benchmark for contrapuntal sound in thriller and was the first to perfecty excute it the other films just took the idea because it creates a sense of cringe and sickeningness which is essential to a genre such as thriller.

Thriller scene analysis. Analyse a scene identifying three effective uses of sound use PEER.

Conclusion: What types of sounds are you planning to use in your 2 minute video and why?                                              
In my two minute video, I am planning to use sounds with a lot of base in them if it's an action thriller or even classical high pitched screeching if it's a horror thriller, because I know that these two have the best effect on the audience after an intensive build up to a scary scene. These are the two best known types of sounds to have an affect on the audience because it's a quick sound that can come out of the blue and make people jump or scream even when expected and especially when unexpected.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Research;Cinematography-Miss Begum & Mr.Smith
What is Cinematography? : "Cinematography is looking at how a shot is framed, the angle it is taken in and the movement of the camera." Despite Breaking down the definition the meaning is very much in the word cinema & tography its the methods and techniques used to record/ film in the cinema. 
Types of camera angles

The most basic camera angle is the stationary shot (camera stays in one place) the different types of stationary shot are:

XLS- Extreme longshot: ( more than head to toe ) extreme longshot shows the audience more than just the character it also gives enough room to show the environment around them this is good because it can show if an antagonist is creeping up on a character. 

LS - Long Shot: Longshot is a good frame when it comes to a character finally revealing themselves (which ends the anxiety build up)

MS - Mid Shot

mid shot allows

MCU - Medium Close-Up

CU - Close Up

XCU - Extreme Close-Up

ES - Establishing Shot

Camera Angle Representation

High Angle

Low angle



Sunday, 14 September 2014

Reseach: What Is A Thriller - Miss Begum


"What is a Thriller? Or what is a genre even?" These are questions you might ask yourself whilst browsing through the genre list on Netflix or in the local cinema.

Well a genre is a category of film for example ; comedy films like 'Harold and Kumar', horror could be a film such as 'The Exorcist', action could be the famous 'Rush Hour' Trilogy, romance would have a film like 'Mama Mia!' and so fourth It's important you know what it is just so you can choose a film based on what you know what you like or so you can avoid one that you don't and Thriller is one of the most popular of all the genres.
A blockbuster has the viewers on the edge of there seats, biting nails and leaves them covering their eyes but still getting in a tiny peep to see what happens next.

A Thriller is the category of film that brings you tension and anxiety through the suspense of the storyline and excitement of the CGI effects. Its has putting yourself into the shoes of the protagonist and being in shock and awe with the plot twists that has the power to turn everything you know about the film at that point into a lie or a question with can leave you speechless.

Popular known thrillers may be..:

-The Dark Knight Films (Bat Man): The Popular Batman action film franchise now converted into a Blockbuster thriller portrays an even darker image on Gotham's crime fighting hero and his classical enemies. With an interesting plot twist in the latest instalment that will keep you on your toes. 

- Inception: A film about dreams within dreams which delivers an absolute mind blowing experience that makes you question reality, the storyline reveals the end at the start which you need to watch closely to keep up with but the harder you look the more you are fooled, this film leaves you, friends and family debating even after the cinematic experience has faded.

Sub Genres of thrillers

Sub Genre is another genre that the film could be made up of but its not in as full affect as the dominant genre and theme.

The Ride Along: Comdey, Action, Thriller  A mainly thriller action based film that at the same time has a comedic twist.

The Audience response to thrillers :

 Thriller is one of the most popular genre due to the effects it has on its audience.

Mental Affect: Certain factors of the movie have an effect on the audience even after the movie. Usually the it takes affect through fear of certain people that seem similar to certain characters or certain places or situations but it can also make people do things that the hero or heroin do in certain situations which is why it says not to copy any stunts and things in the movie that could put them in danger.

Physical effect: Another effect that thriller can have on the audience is the physical aspect sweating, covering eyes biting nails and even screaming this can be caused from camera angles (for example) Point of view 'P.O.V' which puts the viewers in
 a characters  viewpoint so if the antagonist is chasing them he's chasing you. I will mention more about how camera angles and methods create anxiety and anticipation but one of the best things to create affect is the sound track, because it is used for tension build up to scare and prepare viewers for something that's about to happen but because in recent days its out dated but still affective film makers tend to use it to make people think something's about to happen.

Conclusion: Researching thrillers has given me an insight on what the basic foundations are in order to make my two minute thriller opening better and understanding peoples reactions to thriller I also now know what sub genres and what genres are in general.