Saturday, 8 November 2014

Reseach:Opening Credits-Mr.Smith

Reseach:Opening Credits-Mr.Smith

What are opening credits?
The opening credits are the brief credits that are shown on screen just before the film starts or maybe even during the film sometimes. They show the just the founders of the film who have played a primary role in the films creation and star actors in the film so they will appear on both the opening and closing credits.

What is their purpose?
this is to show the viewer what company produced the film and who directed it so in future if your looking for a film  and you see that the company that produced a good film you've seen or the director that created it your more likely to see more films associated with them. This will also do the same for actors whether they are very known actors you have recently discovered or if they are upcoming stars it's good publicity for them.

What information do they provide? In order of appearance?
The first thing shown on the opening credits will show you the films producers (who gave the film budget and brought the film to life) This comes up twice withe the producers on little logo shown before the actual film is shown then it is said in writing again. Then they would tend to show the director of the movie next, which is then followed up by the title of the film and once this has been presented the star actors and lead roles of the movie are presented, if the film is playing during the opening credits the characters are likley to be currently shot whilst their credit appears so you know who it is if you have never seen the actor before. After that any additional information is added in such as:
  • Along with any co-/executive producers .
  • The film editor and production designer.
  • Who created the sound tracks of the film.
  • Who created the costumes and visuals.
These will vary in the order of who comes where so I have placed the bullet points in my order of importance

Also opening film credits aren’t always the same length as each other so if the film’s opening credits are not long then the additional credits tend to be very few maybe only 1-3 more credits are shown and anything that couldn’t fit will appear in the final credits in bolder font and more isolated credits than the others in order for it to stand out. 

An example of this is?
An example of theis is the Spider-Man opening credits this is a good example because the bright bold colours acctract the viewers attention and it also works with the credits so the vieweres definetly take in who helped put the film into place also even though the film is'nt playing yet they show the previous films art work and whenthe actors name comes up the picture of the actor appears so you know who is who but the thing that makes it special is that the images are used to re-cap the prequals storyline so anyone that forgot or never saw the frst one could get a brief catchup.

What feelings does this give the audience (My chosen analysed opening)

I have chosen the  film SE7EN as my analysed opening based on how this makes the audience feel because it is the most brief bt affective opnening that i have seen only lasting 2 minutes and it mentally prepares you for what is to come. It shows something soo basic and turns it into something so twisted and demented that you can't wait until the credits are over through the use of filming in such detail and especially the soundtrack this gives the audience a sickening feeling towards the opening. (which is similar to the Dexter series opening which has taken this idea and turned it into it's own.

Also the opening gives viewers an insight as to what themes the film is based on if you pay close attention as to what you see the hands doing which gives viewers antcipation as to see what how the storyline links to what the hands are doing. 

Conclusion: What information will you use in your oening credits
In my opening credits I must add the most important information but keep an eye on how long it lasts because my film is only 2 minutes long I will try and make my credits about 30 seconds long and whoever stars in it will be on the current shot so people know who is who like Spider-Man, I also must use a cleaver sound track in order to create the right tension and suspense to the audience like se7en.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post - good detail and you've obviously thought about this for your own work too...

    Few problems:
    - Spelling & Punctuation - some dodgy capital letters so watch out for them, also one occasion of using 'bt' rather than 'but' please make sure you re-read your work to avoid doing this and alwas use correct english.
