Thursday, 11 December 2014

Planning: Initial ideas

Planning: Initial ideas

In the group that I have been placed in I now work in a group of  4 including myself. Each of us came to the group with our own initial ideas of what film to create and do.

Amani (Me): My initial idea
Genre: action thriller
Theme: modern day gangs, Drugs, Murder
Plot: Revenge

Narrative: A boy who is doing well for himself in school strays his path due to his older brother being murdered in a gang related attack, in an attempt to avenge his brother he follows a dark path and goes after each gang member before the police get them. On the way he is consumed by the life of gangs guns and drugs and the further he goes down the path the more he finds out about his older brothers dark past too.

Narrative: Starts off with seeing the school class rooms. One of the employees of the school are watching the CCTV cameras everyday for normal daily security. The employee starts to realise something weird is happening in the classrooms at school. Then cuts are starting to be made in the CCTV footage. The employee goes around the school and into the classrooms he/she realises blood on the walls and the tables have been moved around Into weird places. Meanwhile after 7 days everyone has realised that 7 students have been gone missing and it must have been planned because it will done professionally. 

Narrative: A women has murders her 2 daughters because we partner cheated on her. The women starts to have flashbacks and starts to act weird which came to a solution that she has gone crazy due to her husband cheating on her and her killing her children for her husband. The women has been taken away to the mental hospital and she has killed her doctors while being checked up. 

Narrative: lady sleep walks to her daughters room and kills her daughter by biting her neck. When the lady walks back to her room he starts to have nightmares of her daughter. When she wakes up she realises that her nightmares have happened while she was sleeping. She walks to her daughters room and doesn't see no sign of her daughter no blood or anything. The lady starts to hear things such as " you killed your own daughter" the people around her thought she had gone mental and took her to a mental hospital. No one believed her which made her committee suicide and die. 

1 comment:

  1. Each group members idea is evident here which shows that your group have discussed various ideas.

    To improve;
    -think about each idea critically. What is good about it, what do you not like about the idea?
    -conclude at the which idea you are more likely to go with and why
